
The Zapping Access API is designed for partners to manage users on the Zapping platform. This API provides functionality for user management, including registration, retrieval, updating, and deletion of user accounts. It also offers access to plan information for different service types.

API Version: v1-oas3 Base URLs:

Authentication: The API uses Bearer Token authentication. All requests must include a valid JWT token in the Authorization header.

Main Endpoints

The API is structured around three main partner types:

Each partner type has specific endpoints for managing customers and retrieving plan information.

API Swagger URL

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About Partner Keys (partner_key_1 and partner_key_2)

The Zapping Access API uses a flexible identification system through partner_key_1 and partner_key_2. These keys are fully customizable by the partner, allowing for seamless integration with existing user management systems. Here are the key points about these identifiers:

  1. Customization:
  2. Flexibility: